Monday, October 11, 2004

Fish Tales

Saturday – Finding Nemo
When I woke up at 8:30am, my only wish was for the infernal racket outside my window to stop. Mr. Lin somebody-or-other (a political candidate of some sort?) appeared to be rallying the passer-byers over a loudspeaker while pop music blared in the background and the snap, snap, snapping of fireworks punctuated his speech. Anyway, at about noon, Tommy got up and we made plans for breakfast and a quick trip to FNAC to buy a wireless router. (I needed the router to get the work I brought home done). Of course, getting on the back of Tommy’s scooter pretty much guarantees you that whatever plans you had for the day… they aren’t going to happen. After swinging by his old neighborhood, driving around looking for a place to have lunch and shopping for… SOAP (Lush, L’Occitaine… who knew a young guy could be so picky), we finally made it to FNAC where I bought the router. Instead of driving right back however, Tommy informed me we had to go buy fish. I figured we could pick up some in the grocery store across from our house, but my mistake… Tommy wanted LIVE fish for the little tank in his room. If you have lived in Asia, then you know that not all things can be bought in one neighborhood. You go to one area to but electronic goods, one area to buy plants, one area to buy furniture, and of course an area to buy fish: Minchuan East Road. Here we found tons of fish shops… of which Tommy wanted to go into every single one. To be honest, the variety of fish appeared to be the same in all of the stores… but not to Tommy. After an exhausting search, we finally piled onto the scooter with our router, our purchases from LUSH, a few other sundry items and 3 plastic bags full of water and fish and headed home. (Of course we couldn’t get the router to work and my day was already lost so I went dancing).

Sunday – Shark Tales
Elvis lives! At noon, Elvis came to visit. (Elvis is the local mac expert.) It took him all of 15 minutes to get the router working. We then downloaded Skype and Proteus - programs to make calling/connecting overseas even easier. I couldn't resist playing on the Internet for a bit (uploaded the photos of Jon’s wedding last Saturday) before running to Hsimenting to meet Vondell and her friends. We saw Shark Tales. Although all of us are over 10, we all found it pretty entertaining. After this, however, I did not go home and do the work I was supposed to do on the weekend. By the time I got home (with Helen and Vondell in tow), Tommy and his friends were gathered to watch Fahrenheit 911 and eat pizza. By the time everyone was gone, something was wrong with the Internet… too much traffic? I gace up and went to bed, but didn’t sleep well. Damn Chunghua Telecom. Next weekend, I will start my work and studying on Saturday.


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