Friday, October 08, 2004

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my relationship with blogger. I started blogging due to my inability to keep motivated to keep a journal. So what makes blogging any different? Well, I would never really revisit a journal to re-read what I have written as attempts in the past have proven too difficult to read. The words are messy enough as to be undecipherable and the flow of writing a dissacociated stream of consciousness or worse.

So what makes a blog any different? Well, while I am unmotivated to read the contents of past posts, I do consult past posts to find out how I made clickable photo links, etc... I learned how to post photos on another site and make them appear on my page at blogger, how to resize them using Photoshop and Macromedia fireworks and other very small accomplishments that Internet-shy people could be proud of. I am slowly learning how to create webpages. I have the Macromedia Studio, Photoshop and Illustrator and am just waiting for someone to teach me (or to find time to teach myself).

Why did I feel the need to start a weblog? After the better part of a decade living in Asia, I figured my time here was drawing to an end and it was better late than never to start a kind of journal. I wanted to write abut all the things that are unusual or surprise me about my life here, but nowadays it is more often things back "home" that suprise me... Well, so as you can see... I didn't do very well in the beginning... only 6 posts for all of 2003. But I am getting more used to it now. Posts don't need to make sense... and every now and then, I am pleased to receive a comment or two from friends.


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