Thursday, June 03, 2004

Troy @ Warner Village

Last week a friend and I bought a block of tickets for Warner Village (buy 10 and the price is only NT$270 with popcorn and warm, flat soda - as opposed to NT$290 without)! Last year, the popcorn was the best part of most of my movie-going excursions.
This time, however, was different. We used up our first two tickets to see Troy. I have to say, if I had seen this movie before reading the Iliad in high school, I probably wouldn't have found it so hard to struggle through. I would have been too busy picturing Brad Pitt as Achilles (although I don't really remember Achilles having that big a role in Homer's version). The movie was too long and had too many battle scenes for my liking (I have a short attention span), but the battle scenes (and random almost nude scenes) were what Brad did best in this film... I found him unconvincing wherever dialog was involved.
Seeing as mostly only the biggest most mainstream of movies come to Taiwan, I don't feel my critiquing ability to be all that sharp... I will watch anything that's in English (or has English subtitles). However, I thought Troy was completely watchable. Orlando Bloom and Eric Bana brought plenty of personality to their characters and if the kids in the row behind us hadn't gotten up ever 10 minutes to go to the bathroom, I might have cried when Hector (Bana), and later Priam (Peter O'Toole), died. Somehow, I wasn't quite as moved by Diane Kruger's performance... but WOW! What a wardrobe! Wasn't Helen supposed to die too? High school was too long ago for me to remember.
Anyway, what will really stick with me is the imagery... I guess is that this is what all that big budget was spent on; creating huge armies, ships, etc. etc. The Trojan Horse was more formidable and impressive than I could have imagined. I always pictured a friendlier horse as I thought it was given as a gift... Anyway, click on the pictures above/below (no permission to reproduce these here) for a better view... or rent it when it comes out on DVD.
Our next Warner trip takes place tomorrow: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.


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