Saturday, May 15, 2004

Welcome Hezachan!

Hezachan,I see you have joined this weblog, but I have yet to see you post! How is Korea these days? Taiwan is getting hotter and more humid every day! Summer is upon us and me still with no summer vacation in sight.

Anyway, what are you up to this weekend? Any exciting plans? I am off to the office soon, so am unlikely to do anything too terribly exciting beyond keeping my office chair rooted to the floor. (Wouldn't want it to float away). Tonight, however, (if not too tired) I may try to get a little exercise - either at the gym or on the dance floor.

Tomorrow, I am looking forward to a wonderful day of grocery shopping and laundry! I still have a package of kimchi, some genip, one tub of walnut and anchovy side-dish (don’t be disgusted), and a container of samjang from when I was in Korea last... So I was thinking about actually eating dinner at home! Novetly of novelties!

Why do I never cook? It’s not that I don’t have a kitchen here - it’s just that I can never find the right utensils, I don’t have a properly working rice cooker, of course there is no oven –like Korea, only 2 gas burners... and most importantly, I have NO time. I wonder if I can even remember how to cook. I think the last time was December 2000 in Vancouver! I even made fruitcake that year to celebrate having an oven during the holidays!

Too bad my sojourn back in North America was only 6 months...  Do you think the culture shock of being in a place where I could understand what everyone was saying might have been too great? Do you think I will ever truly be able to leave Asia?

Well, hope to hear from you soon...


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