Thursday, May 20, 2004


Always in search of new sites to get ideas for work... I LOVE books, sites with quizzes. Ok... so I may use them for a boring purpose... to make teaching materials, but some are fun in their own right. A few years ago, I started using E-mode to get ideas... I think everyone REALLY needs to know which breed of dog they are (Can it really be possible that I am a chihuahua?) And as for me, I am glad to know that if I were an umbrella drink, I would be a daquairi! I also found out that I am right brained, my true color is green (but the color of my aura is orange). My strongest Chakra is the 5th one (that governing truth and honesty). In my past life, I was a dog named Scooter living in Iowa.My best quality is my independence... and the INKBLOT test reveals my subconscious mind is driven by curiosity.
However, E-mode has CHANGED! This is very sad because now it's focus appears not to be on providing quizzes for the Egoist looking for ways to waste time, but on running an on-line match-making service and on making money. A couple years ago, all these tests were free... even the more rigorous ones (like the Briggs Myers inspired ones etc). Now you only get the initial result free and have to pay for the details... Paying for the results might seem to indicate that one takes the results a little too seriously! So  now I am on the lookout for new quiz sites.
Quizilla is the one I checked out today! I tried a test to find out which movie I belong in... The surprise is that it is a movie I have never even seen. But glad to know Jack's creative world fits my curiosity and imagination.

Nightmare Before Christmas!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
This site is okay, but I am going to keep looking as I would like to find one that is a little slicker and has fewer typos. I realize this reveals insidious things about my personality, but I don't care. Anyway, if anyone can reccommend a god quiz site, please post a comment. Thanks.


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