Friday, August 18, 2006

Fousti's Banana Bread

Today, Fousti (also known as Sabrina) gave us her recipe for banana bread. Below, in her own words:

Take 2 bananas… chop, chop, chop…
Put them in a pan with some butter, and sprinkle some sugar... even better if it’s vanilla sugar and leave it in the pan maybe 10 minutes until it caramelizes.
Put aside and take 100 gm of dark baking chocolate and chop, chop, chop… and you put aside.
And then you break 3 eggs, you add 150 grams of sugar, you beat, yout beat, you beat, you beat. It becomes white.
Then you add 160 grams of white flour with baking powder in it... in French ‘levure’ . I think it will be a teaspoon and a half of baking powder.
You slowly add it to the sugar and egg base and you mix it you mix it you mix it.
Take 120 grams of salted butter, you nuke it and you put the melted butter in your base. And when all that is mixe up, that’s when you add your chocolate and your bananas and you stir delicately. And then you need a cake pan. This shape! (loaf). I put wax paper in the cooking pan because it’s easier or put butter and flour. And then you bake for 45 minutes in 180 degree C pre-heated oven.


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