Sunday, August 13, 2006

On the No. 176 bus...

Saturday, August 5: about 6:00 pm.
This is me behind some tourists on the bus as it passes through 'the city' on the way to London Bridge to meet C. I had never taken the bus before, so surprised it was so quick. I waited for C. by Evan's cycles and then we wandered a bit along the South Bank until we found somewhere for a beer and a quick snack. Nice to share out impressions of life in London, the MA program and some fears about the future.

Anyway, after that, we went to the Globe to see Corriolanus. Unfortunately, Shakespearean English in several different UK accents were a bit of a challenge and it was a good hour before we (or at least I) started understanding anything.

So the Globe was 'neat' (sorry for the unexpressive word). Open in the middle with actors mingling with the audience on the ground (main floor). We had seats - not really wanting to stand for 2 hours. But the performance was mediocre at best I thought. Hamlet in York was much better. Maybe I should try Stratford on Avon next time.


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