Saturday, July 01, 2006

Canada Day (with

OK, so it is Canada Day and I have already missed the really big event because (here in England) it had to be held a day early so as not to interfere with the World Cup! How appropriate that the Canada Day London site describes the event thusly: The day will kick off at 2:00pm, when Trafalgar Square comes alive...

What do I care if England is playing Portugal? Not nearly enough apparently as C, a fellow Canadian here in London, who will be setting up a big screen on her patio so that those who don't want to miss the game will not boycott her Canada Day BBQ bash (to be held today) in favor of their local. "Local what?" you may be asking, "local supermarket? local fishmonger?" But this isn't an incomplete sentence. Local is not only an adjective, but also a noun (meaning nearest pub - correct me if this is an incorrect definition)!

Anyway, I have already been celebrating Canada with fellow Canadians. After spending about 30 minutes ranting to an English friend about how terrible British banking is (I know, I am terribly diplomatic), I ended up spending the early hours of my Canada Day (midnight to 1 am) discovering just how terrible Canadian banking is! But enough ranting...


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