Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Le Loup Blanc

The post is named after today's only real outing.
After yesterday's party (post immediately following), we couldn't really get up until 11 or so... breakfast at 2:00pm - baguette and butter, instant coffee and juice, chestnut yogurt. Then Fousti, Sol's sister arrived. We three wen't out for to the cafe to wait for Samir... Unfortunately, Fousti couldn't stay, but Samir, Sol and I went for dinner at Le Loup Blanc.

Sol wanted me to meet Samir as he is exactly THE character I described to her as the protagonist of my first (as yet unwritten) novel! She wasn't entirely wrong. He told us a little story about getting home late the night before and needing to vomit at 7:00am. Unfortunately, he didn't notice the toilet lid was still down. Oops... Anyway, that story is not really so much like my protaginist as much as the way he told the story! With suitable comic deadpan expression and an insistance that I listen in French. How would I learn otherwise. (His English is near perfect by the way, but he didn't let this on until much later).

Anyway... Le Loup Blanc! Lovely! Click to see the menu! All three of us had cocktails of ginger, mint, green tea and ??? and steak! Vegetable dishes came in HOT (ex: broad beans and snow peas) or COLD (ex: grapefruit and fiddleheads). Deserts were fab too! We split 2 desserts 3-ways: 1. some sort of little chocolate half-baked cake filled with pistachio creme and accompanied by mango coulis and coconut ice cream... and 2. a rasberry almond tart with cotton candy and ginger icecream. The atmosphere was tres romantic!

I really like how big Paris apartment windows are, how pretty the streets are and how lovely the simple groceries in the corner grocers... am thinking I should really be looking for temporary jobs here and not in London so I can sublet Sol's charming apartment on Rue de Rivoli! It is furnished in ORANGE - like it was designed for me. Will post pictures of the apartment tomorrow or Thursday.


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