Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bitch Whine Man Woman

Got an email yesterday that made me think... Are western men in Asia hard done by? It would seem not. In fact, some men brazenly brag about how appreciated they are by their coworkers and by the local women? Finally, each man can receive the respect and admiration he deserves! ;)

It would seem that the only real complaint these particular guys would like to air is that they are so underappreciated and envied by the enbittered female ex-pat community.
Why, oh why don't those ‘whining women’ understand why we prefer the local women? It simply isn't that we are losers that can't get girlfriends back home... Nor is it that Asian women are passive, subservient and submissive [Actually, I never really believed this either]; but rather that they aren't loud, difficult, demanding and compulsive complainers... [like us western women?] But to be fair, we do understand that it is hard for those western women to get dates...

Hmmmm.... Maybe because I don’t limit myself to the men holding opinions as described above, I haven't found that it is is any harder to "get dates" than "back home". I mean, we are all more than the sum of our skin color and ethnic affiliations, aren't we? Making true and lasting friendships (or more) is hard anywhere. And conversely, if just getting a date for tomorrow is the only concern, well... Carnegie's gets hopping by 11:00 pm.


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