Thursday, January 06, 2005

Black and White Cookies

Just back from NY and had many a revelation there this time, one of them being the black and white cookie. Do you know what a black and white cookie is? you probably do, but I didn't. Every morning in NY, I crossed the street to pick up coffee at Fluffy's Deli. I stood there staring at all the unfamiliar and decadent-looking sweets behind the glass while other patrons pushed past in a hurry for their weak, watery coffee (now I know why Asia refers to weak coffee as "American coffee") and black and white cookies. Because of my indecision, I felt about as welcome as a non-Korean-speaking window-shopper in front of a shop in a Seoul night market (where the vendor will yell if you loiter more than 3 minutes without buying something).

After hearing, "one coffee and a black and white cookie" a million times, I decided to try. What a waste of $2.00! It is a large cookie that tastes kind of like cake (lemon?) with hard vanilla icing on one side and chocolate on the other. And to think I could have had an apple turnover or a cinnamon muffin!

Anyway, now back in Taipei and already thinking about all the things I didn't have time to do in NY, I popped in Season 6 of Sex in the City.... and there it was. Carrie sitting on a bench near central park sharing a black and white cookie with Charlotte! Unbelievable! Next time in New York, I will have to see if there is a particularly good place to buy these so I can try the "best" of this particular favorite and see if second try isn't better.


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