Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Lonely Planet

Someone has a Cave's Bookstore connection, so my discounted order came in last night: Guide books for South America, Central America and Mexico. It has been a while since I had this dream to go to South or Central America, but so far I haven't acted on it. I seem to always have too many dreams to make them all come true at once... but I do eventually get to them. One of the things I dreamed of doing was visiting India. I made plans in 1995, but didn't get there until 2000... and then again in 2003.... and again in (will let you know when the third trip is made).

However, Latin America seems a little scary seeing as I have only really lived in Asia (I mean aside from Canada) and have always had a stable job in place before relocating. I have tossed a lot of ideas around in my head: Chile, Costa Rico, Puerto Rico (places where I thought it might be possible to get a stable job).... but the truth is I would like to NOT have to put in a lot of long hours after I finally get there as I would like to have time to study Spanish or take dance classes, learn how to cook, spend time writing, etc.... Lately people have been suggesting other (possibly cheaper) alternatives: Some people say they LOVED living in Mexico, my Capoeira instructor would naturally recommend Brazil, my roomate says Bolivia is a very cheap place to live. Then there is also Guatemala....

Anyway, I ran into a man at the salsa club last weekend that I haven't seen in a LONG time. He is a rather pompous guy that lived in Argentina for several years before moving to Asia. I usually find his cynicism combined with his passion for tango entertaining. However, I noted this time that he seems very bitter about South America. He reports that it is NOT a good time to be in South or Central America.In response to my questions re: best place to go, he said that (across the board) salaries are not enough to live on and life would be lonely as I wouldn't truly belong. He predicted that I would only last 3 months before returning to Taipei. How depressing and negative.

Well, in all honesty, I don't really know when I will go (or in what capacity... as Spanish student, as traveler, as English teacher, editor or materials writer), but I know that I will eventually go and that it will be great fun... and that I wherever I go to afterwards, (even if it is 3 months later) it is not likely to be Taipei.


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Zanmei said...

Thanks "WIGIT"! I definately will visit Latin America at some point... and I will definately issue you an invitation.The questions is not if, but when? Which place will be graced my my occupancy first, NY or some city much further South?


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