Monday, November 15, 2004

Friday Night Poker

Last week was utterly exhausting. I am not proud to say that I don't take good care of myself well here. All this desk-sitting and paper-pushing really makes me tired... makes my nerves worn and brittle. Although not really prone to anger... when tired, I am prone to expressing my opinions before really thinking them through or considering the consequances.

On Friday night, there was a poker party held at my house. I knew that this was going to be a trial, so I warned my roommates that I had to work on Saturday morning. (Yes, I have 2 now, but one is only temporary). Well, at 2:00 am, after a catching up chat with a friend in a different time zone, I decided to take a sleeping aid and try to sleep through the constant murmering of the poker playing boys outside my bedroom window... Yes, you heard me right! There is a HUGE frosted window between my room and the living room. So the light shines through and the voices are as clear as if the gathering was actually IN my room. (I know that if I pay enough money, I can obtain a black-out curtain for this window, but unfortunately there is no such thing as a voice-out curtain). Everytime someone stands up to go get another beer from the fridge, my bedroom window rattles like another earthquake is hitting. And worse still... everytime there is a party, the mess sits in the living room until I decide to clean it up... or put my foot down.

Anyway, at 4:30 am I woke up and the boys were STILL playing. I knew the meaning. My roommate must have lost and was keeping all there to try and win back his losings. Not willing to take another sleeping pill, I waited for the party to end. At 8:30, I got up for work... I could hear the boys thanking Tommy for a good night and promising to play again soon. I couldn't help myself. I ran out to tell them, "Not here you won't!" As I was leaving for work, I ran into one of the guys on his way back to our apartment as he forgot his cell phone. He was looking at his feet bashfully and asking permission to enter. I felt like the wicked witch of the West. All weekend I wondered how mad Tommy would be for me making him lose face in front of his friends... and thinking about what kind of present I could bribe him with to get peace back. Crazily enough, he wasn't upset at all. (Guess he prefers poker to end before 8:30 am too).


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