Monday, December 13, 2004

Sex in the Cities

Visiting friend of Tommy's noted (on seeing the 6th season of Sex in the City on our counter) that this program was so unrealistic... How could we watch such untrue to life "garbage"?

Well, garbage it may be... but how is it not true to life? Just remove the Manola shoes, the prime NY real estate, the designer shopping sprees and isn't life in the city where you live just as (fill in the blank)? If you don't live in a city, don't answer. Here is a rundown of stories I have heard (mostly from female friends either over the cellphone while traveling somewhere or while seated at bars or coffee shops) that HBO should get the producers to consider for a "season 7".


Speed Dating comes to Taipei: title is self-explanatory. However, no one I know has yet tried.

The Internet Affair: After flirting and more online for over a month, Taiwanese University-aged former roommate decides to meet her "lover." He turned out to be a married art teacher - hers!

Coyote Ugly at Carnegie's: If you like nightlife, chances are you've been to Carnegie's at least once... the place where you can dance on the bar with impunity and where no one has to leave alone

The Personal Trainer: Every been kissed by your hot personal trainer.... or any personal trainer? Let's hope he wasn't (as happened here) the sexiest (also GAYest) of trainers on the Roxy dance floor. Just what motivates a gay male personal trainer to kiss a straight woman client he accidentally runs into on the dance floor? Too many tequila sunrises?

Sexy Splurging: Hey, it's ok to spend over US $300.00 on underwear for just one two-piece matching set every now and then.

Credit Card Abuse: After a few years in Taipei, you too might have a floor to ceiling whole-wall wardrobe filled with impracticle clothes. I am not so bad as some... I know some people here with real credit card abuse problems! I know one who had to help herself by getting a job in a place so isolated there was nothing to buy.

Finding the Right Shrink: Not only women in NYC are looking up psychiatrists to help them get over thier last bad break-up... I was actually glad to hear that "Cherry" was going to get one as I was fighting my urge to say "good riddance" every day. But I felt that wouldn't be so understanding. I imagine it's probably even harder to find a good shrink in Taipei though... It's not really such an accepted norm. Imagine if you needed one that speaks English.

Clothes Grow on Trees: Hey mom, just so you know... this story is NOT about me! One girlfriend woke up one morning (alone) with a hangover, naked and possessed of no recollection of the night before... She got up to look for her clothers... only to find them decorating the tree outside.

4:00 am Breakfast: This is one of the treats of Taipei! Doesn't matter how late/early in the morning, you can ALWAYS find somewhere open for breakfast.

Guys to Avoid in Taipei:
  • "Hey, your underwear doesn't match," guy
  • "Have you read the Kamasutra recently?" guy
  • The circus performer guy
  • Bitter guy
  • Crying guy
  • The mama's boy
  • The guy who calls/text messages you 100 times a day

Stay tuned for Sex in the Cities: Seoul, Hong Kong and Yokohama!


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