Friday, December 17, 2004


Run, run... RUN!
Cart after silver shiny cart roll by -
a shiny parade of glinting steel piled high with more things than one might imagine could be fried, steamed and skewered: cubes of stinky tofu, honey-glazed ginger-stuffed sausages, globs of red bean giggling in transparent gelatinous goo, deep fried quail's eggs, speared candied strawberries, tomatoes, plums...

Yap, yap... YAP!
A well preened Pomeranian paws at it's carrying case, a designer handbag slung jauntily over a Hsimen-ting shoulder...
The doggie sniffs, yaps and hungers after the departing entourage as it disappears around a corner to wait until the coast is clear and all the apathetic stop-illegal-vending police have given up.
I don't know why they bother.


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