Friday, August 25, 2006

Hip Hop Happy

Went to the gym again after a long absense. Feeling bad as I am at my least fit ever, but it all started well... went to the gym floor to warm up before class and found out that there was one of those 15 minute ab sessions being led by Delmar (OK, I cheated and looked at his name tag.. even so, I can't be sure I am remembering correctly). He always says the most ludicrous things... like that I am looking fit and must have been working out lately (Could it be veiled sarcasm?). I was too late for his first 15 minute abs program and the second was cancelled, so I got a private one while we talked about flaky things, like that he is a Gemini and that he fell off a treadmill and hurt his arm and that his dissertation was only 10,000 words (whereas mine will likely be 15,000). Then he invited himself along to Hummingbird next time I go... wonder if he will be taking his gf along... I have seen her at the gym before.

Then I went to my first class ever with Winston... Billed as an aerobics class, but it wasn't really... It was hip hop! Reminded me of when I was in Taiwan and took a salsa class at a studio right after a group of 'youngsters' finished their 'popping' class. It was pretty fun and I am thinking next place I will go, I will buy some outrageous '80s dance gear and join a bunch of baggy trouser, airmax nike-wearing teens and learn popping and other hip hop kind of stuff... It is pretty fun and also takes coordination and talent. Eventually, I will be able to quit all this ELT nonsense and do something important, like teach dance-inspired aerobics or pseudo-yoga at a gym somewhere. (This may sound slightly sarcastic, but it is partly serious).


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